[讀書] the economist_Aug 9-15

I'd like to take this down....
Prostitution and the internet
  • "The apparent anomaly may be because escorts who appear on an English-language review site mostly cater to foreigners, who are not offered the more unusual- and expensive- services Japanese prostitutes provide for locals. These include the bubble baths and highly technical massages of Sopurando ("Soapland"), a red-light district in Tokyo, which can cost 60,000 Japanese Yen for a session and involve inter-course (although that is not advertised)."
  • brothel 妓院
  • rotas 值班名冊、花名冊
  • coy 羞怯靦腆的
  • parlour 會客室、客廳
  • But it is  independent sex workers for whom the internet makes the biggest difference. 
  • juggle 玩戲法、魔術、欺騙
  • innocuous 無害的、無毒的
  • Sex work exposes those who do it to serious risks: of rape and other violence, and of sexually transmitted infections. But in this industry, like many others, the internet is making life easier.
  • civvy= civilian
  • foul, very bad/ unpleasant, morally bad/ very evil
  • masseuse, a woman who practice massage
  • pragmatic, dealing with the problem that exists in a specific situation in a reasonable/ logical way instead of depending on ideas/ theories
  • exploitation, (n.) deed/ act especially a notable or heroic act; (v.) to get value or use from, to use (someone/something) that helps you unfairly

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