[讀書] the economist_ Thailand: Peace, order, stagnation

  • junta 軍政府
  • muzzle 上口罩、槍口
  • coup 政變a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
  • facad: the front of a building/ a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false idea of your true feelings or situation
  • bespeak: be evidence of/ be sign of
  • amnesty: a decision that a group of people will not be punished or a group of prisoners will be allowed to go free
  • oust: to cause or force (someone/something) to leave a position of power/ a competition, etc
  • tutelary: having a guardianship of a person/thing
  • Thaksin Shinawatra塔克辛("red shirts")
  • Yingluck Shinawatra盈拉
  • dispensation: a permission to break a law or an official promise you made/ an act of providing something to people
  • Yet some must be calculating that she will join her brother in self-imposed exile. 
  • stature
  • With no proper interim government, portfolios are unlikely to be filled on merit. Although a non-businessman is running the state airline, at least he is the air force chief. How, though, to explain the head of the navy heading the ministry of culture?
  • jittery: very nervous
  • precipitously: very steep/ happening in a very quick and sudden way/ done too quickly without enough thought or planning
  • lackluster: lacking excitement or interest
  • splurge: to spend more money on something than usual for yourself
  • what the generals want, above all, is for "moral people", not elected populists, to run the country. 
  • But the pillars on which future prosperity rests are crumbling. 
  • assailable: to attack/ criticize something/someone in a violent or angry way
  • Many Thais may in any case give them the benefit of the doubt. 

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